Wednesday, March 10, 2010

A Dinner Dilemma

This coming Saturday, I've promised to cook a birthday dinner for a friend. Her only request was that I incorporate kale. After that dish, I'm a bit lost. She and her husband, and me and my boyfriend, have been on "diets" lately (I use the term loosely) -- we are all happy imbibers, but winter in Chicago tends to turn your average bon vivant into a gros bon vivant, and come March, action must be taken.

I considered a few reasonable dishes (roast chicken, oven fried chicken, chicken with pollo, etc.) Being mindful of my butter and oil intake is bearable for the everyday meal, but for a special occasion, I feel fine casting aside the diet mindset. A loin of pork signaled me from the freezer, and I answered the call of duty.

Recently, in a fit of nostalgia, I bought the entire 1992 run of Gourmet magazine on eBay. This was right before the magazine's demise, so that compelled my purchase as well. Largely the recipes are trendy by 1992 standards - modern Italian seems to have been culinary king then - or would leave me with heaps of leftovers to conquer by myself, thanks to my partner's selective tastes. But a few in each issue are both appetizing and just challenging enough to attempt. Thanks to the April 1992 issue, this weekend I shall endeavor to make...

Roast Pork Loin with Grapefruit

**Edit: My blog got "removed" the other day without explanation, and I have an inkling it might have something to do with posting a recipe from Gourmet while it's available on Epicurious. So, to avoid any further disruption, I'll just link to the recipe here and trust my gentle reader to click through.

I'm planning on serving this with the aforementioned braised kale and sweet potato oven fries. The correct method for preparing sweet potato oven fries seems to be the foundation of a lively internet debate; I'm going to experiment with a couple tonight and see what's what.

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